Ocean exportColon Free Zone


Ocean export

-Freight sent to the major ports in the world, commissioned book, now equipped with proper accommodation, to provide customers with company booking number.
-We maintained good relations of cooperation with major ship owners, provide competitive tariffs, safeguard the interests of customers.
-Receive small shipments of LCL Service, for customers to save shipping costs.
-Accept the hanger, refrigerated containers, open top containers, tank containers and other special operations.
Purpose-provide DDP,DDU services in Hong Kong, let us service your customers, provide copies of bills of lading to customers in a timely manner to customers for approval.
-To provide customers with information such as the vessel to sail, to sail.Ocean import
-Global network of Pearson VUE agent accepts client, using domestic and foreign agency, contractors from around the world to import business in Shenzhen.
-Provides transfer of imported goods, customs clearance, commodity inspection, animal and plant quarantine, cargo terminal access and other services.
-Provide FCL direct shipping and LCL cargo devanning and distribution services.
-Consignee, consignor sending delivery information at home and abroad in a timely manner.
- Provide to imported goods transit to any inland all the worldwide.

According to the customer's specific goods and services, tailored for you for your shipping options to reduce shipping costs, service enhancements. Stand your ground for your sake! To you the most sincere advice, best price, best service!


集装箱货物运输方案 整柜运输清关代理 | 提供仓储

我们秉承“最安全,最快捷,最实惠,最满意”的经营理念,竭诚为客户提供个性化的服务,使之成为我们独特的物流服务 在国际物流领域树立起一面特色的“速达全球,为君所需”全球供应链物流旗帜 我们秉承“最安全,最快捷,最实惠,最满意”的经营理念 多年来一直致力于为中国商人提供最优惠优质的际运输服务。




本公司坚持服务至上,客户至上的宗旨,每周七天24小时随时跟踪你的货物,及时反馈最新信息,让您安枕无忧! 找合适价格难的烦恼,节约您的时间,全力成就您的所托!


本公司坚持服务至上,客户至上的宗旨,每周七天24小时随时跟踪你的货物,及时反馈最新信息,让您安枕无忧。 互惠共赢,共同发展。


广州快船海运公司遵循优质 、安全 、快捷 、高效之宗旨,以客户至尊 、货畅其流;团结协作,努力拚搏,不断创新的经营原则,辛勤经营货柜运输业务 。 真诚为每一位客户发展做出贡献 !
